Chika Udekwe
2 min readMay 1, 2024

The Newest Sovereign State in Bir Tawil, Africa

By Chika Udekwe
May 1, 2024

On May 15, 2015, a new nation was born in the unclaimed territory of Bir Tawil, situated between Sudan and Egypt. Birland State, founded by Emir Haiyawi, is a pioneering experiment in creating a humanitarian-focused sovereign state. This unique ambition provides a home for the stateless Nubian people and an opportunity for individuals desiring a state built on the true doctrines of humanitarianism.

Birland has achieved significant milestones in gaining international recognition, with formal endorsements from various African kings, several Intergovernmental Organizations, International Institutions such as Ballsbridge University, World Society of Peace, World Humanity Commission acknowledging its legitimacy as a humanitarian state.This recognition is crucial as Birland seeks to establish diplomatic relationships with other nations and join the international community.

Birland's cultural setting is rich and inclusive, with three official languages: English, Nubian, and Arabic This multilingual nature reflects a commitment to diversity and encourages communication with the broader global community. The country's capital city is Bartazuga.

The amiable Birland's founder, and leaders envision a state that fosters harmony, inclusivity, and core humanitarian values. Birland country aims to build strong diplomatic ties with other nations, positioning itself as a positive force in the region. The establishment of Birland is a significant step toward providing a sense of belonging for those who have been without a recognized homeland.

Despite the challenges ahead, Birland's journey from conception to recognition is an inspiring story of determination and vision, and no day passes by without good news. As the state continues to grow, the world will watch with interest to see how it navigates the tough dynamics of nation-building and international diplomacy.
With its soundly active humanist leaders, Birland holds the potential to be a beacon of hope and a rare model for a humanitarian-oriented state in the heart of Africa.

The Prime Minister of the State of Birland HRM Queen Eden Soriano Trinidad who has painstakingly written a noteworthy history of Birland is invited to promote and introduce Birland to the citizens of the USA. Her Excellency's Birland history from when it was a no-man's-land to its full statehood has been garnering mammoth international multilingual translations from notable scholars. Check out this link: the published history of Birland in different languages.

Chika Udekwe

Birland State-affiliated Media Platform | Poet | Author | Naturopathic Enthusiast