Chika Udekwe
3 min readMay 15, 2024

The History Of The First Humanitarian Country In Nine International Languages

A thoughtful note about the history of Birland State has been earning amazing international multilingual translations from genuine translator-supporters of the newest purely humanitarian African country. All thanks to Her Majesty, Queen Eden Trinidad whose wisdom necessitated a lush account that appeals to the global community. In Her Excellency's well-detailed account, it will be easy enough for the knowledge of Birland State to cut across climes and cultures and attract many citizens of the world to embrace Birland in Bir Tawil as the first humanitarian country.

It was first written in English, one of the country's official languages, and got fascinating attention from scholars from different countries who now see the new country as a future at hand. It did not take long after the English were published in a reputable journal on World Parliament for Peace and Security that the Arabic translation surfaced. The second official language of the State of Birland. Because the Nubian people could understand Arabic, the translation yielded a big fruit in the Northern Region. Sincere supporters and nationals from Egypt and Sudan can vividly see this is a much-spoken country between their countries.

Within a short space, it was translated into Spanish, Korean, Tajikistan, Greek, and latest, Chinese by a pioneer poet of Birland, James Tian.

The history of Birland State is still fresh like palm wine and the country has overwhelmingly evolved to encompass promising active ministers and representatives who have been discharging their humanitarian functions selflessly. Some of these representatives have also translated the Prime Minister's history of the country into their languages so their people know there is an existing purely humanitarian country in Africa.

Birland State has a respected yet kind-hearted founder in the person of His Majesty, King Emir A. Haiyawi who declared Birland in Bir Tawil, a humanitarian country on May 15, 2015. He hails from Belgium and is married to a Moroccan wife. He had developed strong affection after his encounter with the stateless natives of Bir Tawil. His Excellency's quest for a world of harmony and fairness highly necessitated the birth of Birland, the Dubai of Africa. His next move was appointing Her Majesty, Prof. Eden S. Trinidad from the Philippines as the Prime Minister who is currently introducing Birland to the Californians.

Birland's 9th Founding Anniversary will be celebrated in the USA on May 15, 2024. Its 8th Anniversary was celebrated in Jakarta, Indonesia. The 7th founding anniversary was hosted in Nepal.

Here are some refreshing big facts about Birland State:
1. Birland is in the African continent
2. Birland is purely the first humanitarian State
3. Birland's University, BIR-U offers tuition-free undergraduate and post graduate Degree programs
4. Birland is bigger than the Vatican City, landmass-wise.
5. Birland has International multilingual erudite poets known as Birland Poets.
6. Birland representatives are almost in all the countries of the world.
7. Birland's capital city is Bartazuga
8. Birland is a secular but neutral state
9. Birland State is seeking diplomatic partnerships.
10. Birland History now in nine (9) different languages.

Happy 9th Founding Anniversary to Birland!

Chika Udekwe

Birland State-affiliated Media Platform | Poet | Author | Naturopathic Enthusiast