The Honourable Minister of Environment, State of Birland Amb. Prof. Joseph Legend Mfon wishes all Birland officials, Birland Community and friends a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2024.
Regarding the environmental dimension, the Honourable Minister wishes that greenhouse gas emissions fall 45% by 2030, which is what is necessary to keep temperature rise below 1.5° C, according to the United Nations.
He also hopes that the European Union’s target of reducing emissions, by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels, is achieved in 2030.
He wished that an equilibrium be reached between human actions and the conservation of the environment, where humankind and the environment prosper together. For this to happen, we hope to witness more sustainable patterns of food production and consumption.
In 2030, we want more sustainable companies with a positive impact on the environment.
That Companies must be integrated into their strategy profitability and sustainability, namely environmental sustainability.
The Minister wishes that companies and consumers practice more responsible production and consumption.
Within the social dimension, there is a lot to be done.
The Minister wishes that in 2030 all companies worldwide protect human rights and labor relations within the entire supply chain around the globe.
The honourable Minister wish for diversity and inclusion through policies that prevent discrimination and promote a positive working culture amongst all sectors.
The Ministry of Environment would like all companies worldwide to tackle social concerns and promote social equity and equality.
In governance matters, we hope for a society where all four spheres of governance – governments, citizens, societies, and businesses - are aligned in the process of decision making for the best of the People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership (5P).
We want the future, that follow a break in corruption and injustice and we wish for more responsibility for the actions with the support of more diverse actors in the decision-making process, granting fairer policies that allow more ecological harmony and humanity.
We believe in a better measure of the welfare and a better accountability of our planet Earth’s resources instead of complete depletion.
We hope for a more effective results, transparency and our concerns and aspirations to be heard for a successful and sustainable future.
We have these ambitions for the environmental, social and governance dimensions.
In 2030, we wish the Planet to thrive, and we want to be part of the generation where no one is left behind and where education allows us to push everyone to become part of the society and global mitigants.
With all this being said, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy sustainable future.
Have a great and impactful holiday.
Amb. Prof. Joseph Legend Mfon
Minister of Environment
State of Birland